Prefund Personal Budget Planner App

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Start saving money by tracking your expenses

Prefund is an expense tracker app, that helps you see where your money goes. Learn more at

How it works?

  1. Know where your money goes, even before you spend it: create Envelopes for your future expenses, so you'll have an overview about your upcoming expenditures.
  2. Track all your Expenses in one, centralised place: add Expenses manually, whenever you spend money. This way you'll have everything at one place.
  3. Review and learn from your spending habits: compare your Budgets, translate your Expenses into Working Hours, export to CSV, JSON and more.


  • Envelope Budgeting: Decide proactively how much you spend on what. Totally custom, totally yours.
  • Attachments: Capture and attach photos, PDFs or any files related to your Expenses.
  • Access anywhere: Prefund was designed to fit all your devices: phone, tablet and laptop.
  • Access anytime: Use Prefund, even offline. Your data will be synced, once you're back online.
  • Embed into Notion: View and edit your Prefund Budgets directly from your Notion pages.
  • Working Hours view: See how many working hours your Envelopes and Expenses cost you.

Prefund offers financial clarity for a price of a coffee. Learn more at

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$5 a month

Prefund Personal Budget Planner App

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